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5- letter word also valid with letter B added in front



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List of 5- letter words also valid with letter B added in front

abies, aboon, accas, ached, aches, acker, adder, adman, admen, agger, aggie, ailed, airns, aking, alder, allot, allow, anana, anger, angle, anker, anted, arish, arked, arras, arret, arrow, ashed, ashes, asked, asses, asset, aster, atman, eagle, eaned, eards, eared, easts, eaten, eater, eggar, egged, eigne, elate, ended, ender, hajis, hangs, hoots, icker, ident, igged, iller, ingle, inned, ionic, iotas, ishes, itchy, lacks, laded, lader, lades, lamed, lamer, lames, lanch, lands, lanks, lanky, lares, lasts, later, lauds, lawed, lazed, lazes, leach, leaks, leaky, lears, leary, leats, leeps, lends, light, limey, limps, linds, lings, links, lites, lithe, lobby, locks, lokes, looey, looie, looms, loops, lores, lotto, louse, lousy, lowed, lower, lowse, ludes, luffs, lunge, lunks, lunts, lurry, oaked, oasts, oater, obols, oches, offed, ogles, oiled, oiler, oinks, olden, older, omber, onces, oners, oohed, ooses, oozed, oozes, orals, orate, order, other, ought, ounce, ovate, ovine, owing, owled, owler, owned, oxers, raced, racer, races, racks, raggy, raids, rails, rains, rainy, raird, raise, raked, rakes, ranch, rands, randy, ranks, rants, rases, ratty, raved, raver, raves, rawer, rawly, rawns, rayed, razed, razer, razes, reach, reads, ready, reaks, reams, reast, reded, redes, reech, reeds, reeks, reest, regma, reist, renne, rents, revet, rewed, ribes, richt, ricks, rides, ridge, right, rills, rines, rings, rinks, rises, risks, risky, ritts, roach, roads, rocks, rogue, roils, roked, roker, rokes, romal, roods, rooks, rooms, roomy, roose, roses, rough, rowed, ruins, rules, rumal, rumes, runch, runts, rushy, rusts, udder, ugged, umble, umbos, umped, unces, uncos, union, unked, urger, urial, urned, urped, ursae, usher, using & utter

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