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List of 5- letter words also valid with letter C added in front
abbed, abled, abler, ables, ablet, ached, aches, agers, aging, airns, aking, alifs, allee, allow, amass, amber, amped, ample, amply, angle, anker, annas, antar, anted, antic, anyon, apers, aping, arets, arked, arles, arses, arsey, artel, ashed, ashes, asked, aster, audad, aught, avels, avers, awing, axons, eased, eases, enter, entry, eorls, ering, erned, ernes, esses, hacks, haffs, hafts, hains, hairs, hammy, hance, hangs, hanks, hants, happy, hards, hared, hares, harks, harms, harry, harts, haste, haunt, hawed, hawks, hazan, heaps, heapy, heats, hecks, heder, helps, hemic, herry, hests, heths, hewed, hewer, hicks, hided, hider, hides, hills, hilly, hinky, hints, hippy, hived, hives, hocks, hoked, hokes, hokey, holla, hoofs, hooks, hoppy, horal, hosen, hoses, hough, house, houts, howks, hubby, hucks, huffs, huffy, humps, hunks, hunky, hurls, hyles, ilium, ither, ivies, lacks, lades, lames, lammy, lamps, lanks, lanky, lasts, latch, laver, laves, lawed, lawer, layed, leans, lears, leats, leave, leeks, leeps, lefts, leuch, leugh, lever, levis, licks, lifts, limax, limbs, limes, linch, lines, lings, lingy, links, lints, loams, locks, loggy, lokes, loner, loops, loots, losed, loser, loses, lotes, lough, lours, louts, lover, loves, lowns, lucks, lucky, lumps, lumpy, lunch, lunks, lying, oasts, oater, obias, oches, ocker, odder, odist, offed, offer, oiled, oiler, older, oldie, ollie, omber, omers, onium, onned, ooped, oorie, oozes, opals, opens, oping, opter, orals, order, osier, osmic, ottar, otter, ouped, ourie, outer, ovary, ovens, overs, overt, owing, owled, owrie, racks, rafts, raggy, raked, rakes, ramps, ranch, ranks, rants, raped, rapes, rares, rases, ratch, rated, rater, rates, raved, raven, raver, raves, rawly, rayon, razed, razes, reach, reaks, reams, reamy, reate, redos, reeds, reeks, reeky, reels, rests, rewed, riant, ricks, rimed, rimes, rines, ripes, rises, risps, rocks, rones, rooks, roons, rores, rotal, rotch, roton, roups, roupy, rouse, route, routs, rowdy, rowed, rower, rucks, ruddy, ruder, rudes, rumen, rummy, rumps, rumpy, runch, rural, ruses, rusts, rusty, tenes, umber, upped, upper, urare, urari, urate, urial, urite, utter, ycled & yeses© Ortograf Inc. Website updated on 13 June 2023 (z). Informations & Contacts