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List of 5- letter words ending with U
adieu, ahuru, bantu, battu, bayou, bijou, bitou, boyau, buchu, bucku, bundu, bussu, centu, chiru, cornu, coypu, fichu, fondu, haiku, hinau, hokku, jambu, kanzu, kauru, kawau, kombu, konbu, kudzu, lassu, mapau, miaou, muntu, nairu, nandu, nikau, noyau, otaku, pareu, pendu, perdu, pikau, pilau, poilu, ponzu, poyou, prahu, quipu, sadhu, sajou, samfu, shoyu, snafu, tahou, tatou, tendu, tuktu, uhuru, urubu, vertu, virtu, vodou, voulu & wushu© Ortograf Inc. Website updated on 13 June 2023 (z). Informations & Contacts