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List of 5- letter words with T
aarti, abaft, abate, abbot, abets, ablet, abort, about, absit, abuts, aceta, acted, actin, acton, actor, acute, adapt, adept, adits, admit, adopt, adult, adust, adyta, afoot, afrit, after, agast, agate, agent, agist, agita, aglet, aguti, ahent, ahint, airth, airts, aitch, aitus, akita, alant, alate, aleft, alert, alist, allot, aloft, altar, alter, altho, altos, amate, amaut, ambit, ament, amity, amort, amowt, amrit, anata, anent, angst, annat, antae, antar, antas, anted, antes, antic, antis, antra, antre, antsy, aorta, apart, apert, aport, apted, apter, aptly, arete, arets, arett, argot, arhat, ariot, armet, arnut, arret, artal, artel, artic, artis, artsy, ascot, ashet, asset, assot, aster, astir, astun, ataps, ataxy, atigi, atilt, atimy, atlas, atman, atmas, atocs, atoke, atoks, atoll, atoms, atomy, atone, atony, atopy, atria, atrip, attap, attar, attic, atuas, audit, aught, aunts, aunty, autos, avant, avast, avert, await, awato, aweto, axite, ayont, azote, azoth, bafts, bahts, bahut, baith, baits, balti, bants, bantu, banty, basta, baste, basti, basto, basts, batch, bated, bates, bathe, baths, batik, baton, batta, batts, battu, batty, bawty, bayts, beast, beath, beats, beaty, beaut, beets, befit, begat, beget, begot, belts, benet, bento, bents, benty, bepat, beret, berth, besat, beset, besit, besot, besti, bests, betas, beted, betel, betes, beths, betid, beton, betta, betty, bewet, bhoot, bhuts, bidet, bight, bigot, binit, bints, biont, biota, birth, bitch, biter, bites, bitos, bitou, bitsy, bitte, bitts, bitty, blart, blast, blate, blats, blatt, bleat, blent, blert, blest, blets, blist, blite, blitz, bloat, blots, bluet, blunt, blurt, boart, boast, boats, boets, boite, bolts, boost, booth, boots, booty, borts, borty, bortz, botas, botch, botel, bothy, botte, botts, botty, boult, bouts, bowat, bowet, bract, brant, brast, brats, brent, brith, brits, britt, broth, bruit, brunt, brust, brute, bruts, buats, built, buist, bundt, bunts, bunty, buret, burnt, burst, busti, busts, busty, butch, buteo, butes, butle, butte, butts, butty, butut, butyl, bytes, cacti, cadet, cagot, canst, canto, cants, canty, capot, caput, carat, caret, carta, carte, carts, caste, casts, catch, cater, cates, catty, celts, cento, cents, centu, certs, cesta, cesti, cetes, cetyl, chaft, chant, chapt, chart, chats, cheat, chert, chest, cheth, chirt, chits, chota, chott, chout, chute, cinct, cists, cital, cited, citer, cites, civet, clapt, clart, clast, clats, claut, cleat, cleft, clept, clift, clint, clipt, cloot, clote, cloth, clots, clout, coact, coapt, coast, coate, coati, coats, coits, colts, comet, compt, comte, conte, conto, coopt, coost, coots, coset, costa, coste, costs, cotan, coted, cotes, coths, cotta, cotts, count, court, couth, covet, craft, crate, crept, crest, crith, crits, croft, crost, crout, cruet, crust, crwth, crypt, ctene, cubit, cuits, culet, culti, cults, culty, cunts, curat, curet, curst, cutch, cuter, cutes, cutey, cutie, cutin, cutis, cutto, cutty, cutup, cwtch, cysts, cytes, cyton, daint, dalts, dants, darts, datal, dated, dater, dates, datos, datto, datum, dault, daunt, dauts, davit, dawts, daynt, dealt, death, debit, debts, debut, deets, defat, deist, deity, delft, delta, delts, demit, dempt, denet, dents, depot, depth, derat, derth, deter, detox, devot, dhoti, dhuti, diact, dicht, dicot, dicta, dicts, dicty, didst, diets, dight, digit, dints, diota, dirts, dirty, dital, ditas, ditch, dited, dites, ditsy, ditto, ditts, ditty, ditzy, divot, dixit, doats, docht, doest, doeth, doilt, doits, dolts, donut, dorts, dorty, dotal, doted, doter, dotes, dotty, doubt, douts, dowts, draft, drant, drats, drent, drest, drift, dript, droit, dropt, ducat, ducts, duets, duett, duits, dunts, durst, dusts, dusty, dutch, duvet, dwelt, earst, earth, easts, eaten, eater, eathe, ebbet, eclat, edict, edits, educt, eejit, egest, egret, eight, eject, elate, elect, elint, elite, elute, emits, emmet, emote, empts, empty, enact, enate, enlit, enter, entia, entry, epact, epopt, erect, ergot, eruct, erupt, escot, ester, estoc, estop, estro, etage, etape, etats, etens, ethal, ether, ethic, ethos, ethyl, etnas, ettin, ettle, etude, etuis, etwee, etyma, event, evert, evets, evict, evite, ewest, exact, exalt, exeat, exert, exist, exits, expat, extol, extra, exult, eyots, facet, facts, fagot, faint, faith, farts, fasti, fasts, fatal, fated, fates, fatly, fatso, fatty, fatwa, fault, fauts, feast, feats, fecht, fecit, feint, feist, felts, felty, fents, festa, fests, festy, fetal, fetas, fetch, feted, fetes, fetid, fetor, fetta, fetts, fetus, fetwa, fiats, fient, fiest, fifth, fifty, fight, filet, filth, first, firth, fists, fisty, fitch, fitly, fitna, fitte, fitts, fixit, flats, fleet, flint, flirt, flite, flits, flitt, float, flota, flote, flout, flute, fluty, fluyt, flyte, foist, fonts, foots, footy, forte, forth, forts, forty, fouat, fouet, fount, fouth, fowth, fract, frate, frati, frats, freet, freit, frets, frist, frith, frits, fritt, fritz, front, frost, froth, fruit, frust, fumet, furth, fusts, fusty, futon, fytte, gaits, gaitt, galut, gamut, gants, garth, gasts, gated, gater, gates, gaths, gator, gault, gaunt, gavot, geats, geest, geist, geits, gelts, gemot, genet, gents, genty, geste, gests, getas, getup, ghast, ghats, ghaut, ghest, ghost, giant, gifts, gigot, gilet, gilts, girth, girts, gists, gites, giust, gleet, glent, glift, glint, glits, glitz, gloat, glost, glout, glute, gluts, gnats, goats, goaty, godet, goety, gosht, goths, gotta, gouts, gouty, graft, grant, grate, great, greet, grift, griot, gript, grist, grith, grits, groat, grots, grout, grunt, grypt, guest, guilt, gusto, gusts, gusty, gutsy, gutta, gutty, guyot, gytes, habit, hadst, haets, hafts, haint, haith, halts, hants, harts, hasta, haste, hasty, hatch, hated, hater, hates, hatha, hault, haunt, haute, heart, heast, heath, heats, hecht, hefte, hefts, hefty, heist, helot, hents, hertz, hests, hetes, heths, hiant, hight, hilts, hints, hists, hitch, hithe, hoast, hoist, holts, hoots, hooty, horst, hosta, hosts, hotch, hotel, hoten, hotly, hotty, houts, hunts, hurst, hurts, hutch, hutia, hythe, ictal, ictic, ictus, idant, ident, idiot, iftar, ikats, illth, immit, impot, inapt, incut, inept, inert, ingot, inlet, input, inset, intel, inter, intil, intis, intra, intro, inust, inwit, iotas, irate, islet, istle, itchy, items, ither, ixtle, izzat, jabot, janty, jarta, jatos, jaunt, jeats, jests, jetes, jeton, jetty, jigot, jilts, joint, joist, jolts, jolty, jonty, jotas, jotty, jotun, joust, junta, junto, jurat, justs, jutes, jutty, kants, kaput, karat, karst, karts, katas, katis, katti, keets, kelts, kelty, kempt, kente, kents, kests, ketas, ketch, ketol, khats, kheth, khets, kiaat, kight, kilts, kilty, kists, kited, kiter, kites, kithe, kiths, kitty, klett, klutz, knelt, knits, knots, knout, knuts, kofta, korat, kotch, kotos, kotow, kraft, krait, kraut, kurta, kutas, kutch, kutis, kutus, kyats, kydst, kytes, kythe, lacet, laith, laity & lants... + 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